The 9th Wiki

The Napaat RIver is a river in northern Taphria. It has its source in the Mountains of the Moon and flows northwards through the ancient land of Naptesh, draining into the Middle Sea. [1]

Myths and legends[]

It is said that the severed head of Phatep was thrown into the Napaat by Tekhamun, the Twice-Turned, at the time of the Great Dying. The river brought the head to Phatep's wife, Teput, which sparked the civil war between her and the usurper Setesh. [2]

The high priestess' of the river god are said to have cruised the Napaat in gilded boats known today as Arks of Ages. [3]


  1. Meradus Gercator (962 A.S.) Map of the Lands and People of the 9th Age (T9A:FB Rulebook, v1.3.5, p125)
  2. Naptaan Book of the Dead, translated by Abd al-Latif (T9A:FB Undying Dynasties, v0.204.2, p11-12)
  3. Beatrix von Ueblingen (962 A.S.) My travels in Naptesh: Entry from the 31th of Acrober (T9A:FB Undying Dynasties, v0.204.2, p19-21)